The English term "sin, transgress" matches the Dutch term "zondigen"

other english words that include "sin" : dutch :
sink aan de grond raken
matter, affair, business, case, concern aangelegenheid
affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly aanhalig
pleasing, attractive aantrekkelijk
good-natured, affable, pretty, friendly, amusing aardig
Abyssinia, Ethiopia Abessinië
Abyssinian Abessinisch
absinth, absinthe absint
absinth, absinthe absintlikeur
addressograph, addressing-machine adresseermachine
affair, case, matter, business affaire
singly, alone, only, solely alleen
entertaining, funny, amusing amusant
nice, enjoyable, lovely, pleasing, agreeable behaaglijk
basin, bowl, pelvis bekken
charming, pleasing bekoorlijk
sing bezingen
urgent, pressing brandend
casino casino
disinfect desinfecteren
matter, object, affair, thing, business, case ding
pressing, urgent dringend
singly één per keer
Ethiopia, Abyssinia Ethiopië
Abyssinian Ethiopisch
businessman, merchant handelaar
resin hars
Helsinki Helsinki
imposing imponerend
increasingly in toenemende mate
singly in zijn eentje
imposing indrukwekkend
sincere, intimate, cordial, hearty innig
insinuate insinueren
dressing-gown kamerjas
pelvis, bowl, basin kom
businessman, merchant koopman
amusing, entertaining, funny leuk
increasingly meer en meer
composing, mounting, erecting montage
niece, cousin nicht
enterprising ondernemend
single, unmarried ongehuwd
unmarried, single ongetrouwd
sincere ongeveinsd
disinfect ontsmetten
sincerity openhartigheid
rising opklimmend
sincere oprecht
sincerity oprechtheid
level-crossing overweg
pepsin pepsine
divide, disintegrate scheiden
from, since sedert
since sinds
Singapore Singapore
Singaporean Singaporees
Sinhalese, Singhalese Sinhalees
urgent, pressing spoedeisend
level-crossing spoorwegovergang
from, since vanaf
funny, amusing, entertaining vermakelijk
surprising verrassend
confusing verwarrend
basin, pelvis, bowl vont
boutique, business, affair, shop, case, matter zaak
businessman, merchant zakenman
singer zangeres
singing-bird, song-bird zangvogel
boon, blessing zegen
blessing, boon zegening
erecting, mounting, composing zetting
sing zingen
sink zinken
other english words that include "transgress" : dutch :
transgression zonde
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.