The English term "its, her, them, their, they" matches the Dutch term "hun"

other english words that include "her" : dutch :
party, adherents, followers, supporters, disciples aanhang
geographer aardrijkskundige
gather, deduce abstraheren
Acheron Acheron
breather adempauze
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
slaughter, butcher afslachten
yonder, there aldaar
everywhere allerwegen
altogether alles wel beschouwd
everywhere alom
else, another, other ander
atmosphere atmosfeer
inherit beërven
bother, obstruct, disturb, hinder, oppose, bar belemmeren
together bijeen
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
biographer biograaf
inventory, inheritance boedel
countryman, rancher boer
globe, ball-bearing, sphere, vault bol
Bosnia-Hercegovina Bosnië-Hercegovina
furthermore bovendien
stretcher brancard
sibling, brother broeder
brother, sibling broer
outer, peripheral, external buiten-
outskirts, periphery, exterior buitenkant
numeral, cipher, digit cijfer
outskirts, periphery cirkelomtrek
there, yonder, because daar
furthermore daarenboven
there, yonder daarginds
thither daarheen
thereafter daarop
atmosphere dampkring
hers de hare
deduce, gather deduceren
heather dophei
heather dopheide
portable, stretcher draagbaar
false, treacherous dubbelhartig
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
rather een klein beetje
elsewhere elders
there, yonder er
inheritance erfdeel
heredity erfelijkheid
inheritance erfenis
inheritance erfstuk
somewhere, anywhere ergens
elsewhere ergens anders
therefore, then, so ergo
inherit erven
neither evenmin
philosopher filosoof
photographer fotograaf
area, sphere, region, territory gebied
geographer geograaf
there, yonder ginds
grandmother grootmoeder
grandfather grootvader
she, its, her, hair, hairs, their haar
hemisphere halfrond
herring haring
hero held
heroic heldhaftig
heroine heldin
hemisphere hemisfeer
Hera Hera
Hercules, Heracles Hercules
shepherd herder
hermit heremiet
Hermes Hermes
heroin heroïne
heroic heroïsch
hero heros
herpes herpes
hers het hare
whether hetzij
here, hither, behold hier
somewhere, anywhere hier of daar
herewith hierbij
hither, here hierheen
disturb, bother hinderen
rather ietwat
kingfisher ijsvogel
nowhere in geen velden of wegen
together ineen
pitcher, jug kan
preacher kanselredenaar
church-father kerkvader
cherry kers
cherry-tree kerseboom
heretic ketter
heresy ketterij
heretical ketters
sphere, globe, ball-bearing kloot
hermit kluizenaar
jug, pitcher kruik
flock, herd, collection, livestock, bevy kudde
wither kwijnen
sheriff landrechter
supporters, party, following, disciples, adherents leden
leather lederen
leather leerachtig
teacher lerares
leather, learn leren
biographer levensbeschrijver
rather lichtelijk
odour, heaven, sky, odor, scent, atmosphere, air lucht
panther, leopard luipaard
gathering, assemblage meeting
mother moeder
godfather naamgever
nearer, further nader
Nether-Rhine Nederrijn
nowhere nergens
neither noch
northern noordelijk
northern noords
digit, cipher, numeral nummer
or, whether of
granny, grandmother oma
environment, environs, surroundings, sphere omgeving
teacher onderwijzeres
decipher ontcijferen
decipher ontraadselen
then, therefore, so ook weer
grandfather, granddad opa
father, elder, parent, older, mother ouder
everywhere overal
heredity overerfelijkheid
great-grandmother overgrootmoeder
great-grandfather overgrootvader
panther, leopard panter
father papa
father pater
godfather peet
godfather peetvader
feather pen
godfather peter
feather pluim
preacher predikant
peripheral rand-
heron reiger
flock, herd roedel
together, co-, fellow samen
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
teacher schooljuffrouw
ethos, atmosphere, sphere sfeer
sheriff sheriff
sherry sherry
butcher, slaughter slachten
lather, sauce, gravy sop
forefather stamvader
stepmother, step-mother stiefmoeder
step-father, stepfather stiefvader
disturb, bother storen
tiresome, leather taai
Teheran Teheran
together tezamen
therapy therapie
thermometer thermometer
thermos thermosfles
thermostat thermostaat
then, surely, therefore, however, so toch
treacherous trouweloos
herald uitbazuinen
publisher uitgeverij
debauchery, dissipation uitspatting
father vaartje
father vader
fatherland vaderland
itself, herself, self, himself vanzelf
feather veder
feather veer
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
wither verdorren
wither verflensen
treachery, betrayal verraad
treacherous verraderlijk
encipher versleutelen
thereafter vervolgens
fisherman visser
fisherman visverkoper
furthermore voorts
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
forefather voorzaat
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
wherever waar dan ook
where? waar?
thermometer warmtemeter
weather weder
defense, weather, defence weer
weather weersomstandigheden
everywhere wijd en zijd
philosopher wijsgeer
sherry xeres
herring zeebanket
lather zeepsop
himself, self, itself, herself zelf
her, be, its zijn
southern, south zuidelijk
other english words that include "their" : dutch :
theirs de hunne
she, its, her, hair, hairs, their haar
theirs het hunne
other english words that include "they" : dutch :
they hen
they, them, she ze
they, silk, she zij
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.