The English term "hide-and-seek" matches the Dutch term "verstoppertje"

other english words that include "and" : dutch :
strand aan de grond lopen
land aan land gaan
right-hander aanhanger van een rechtse parti
landing-stage, wharf, quay, pier aanlegplaats
convey, hand aanreiken
boss, chief, leader, commander aanvoerder
govern, command, order aanvoeren
landslide aardverschuiving
greatgrandchild achterachterkleinkind
underhand achterbaks
backbiting, scandal achterklap
greatgrand achterklein-
greatgrandson achterkleinkind
greatgrandson achterkleinzoon
hinterland achterland
grand-nephew achterneef
overdue, outstanding achterstallig
countermand, cancel afbestellen
abandon afleggen
Afrikaner, Afrikander Afrikaner
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
England, Albion Albion
Alexander Alexander
Alexandria Alexandrië
occupation, handicraft ambacht
Andalusia Andalusië
Andalusian Andalusisch
Andes Andes
Andes Andesgebergte
Andorra Andorra
Andorrian Andorraans
Andorrian Andorrees
Andromeda Andromeda
candidate aspirant
bandit bandiet
Botswana, Bechuanaland Beetsjoeanaland
understandable begrijpelijk
realise, realize, understand begrijpen
slander belasteren
band, gang, horde, troop bende
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
realize, realise, understand beseffen
relation, understanding betrekking
sagacious, intelligent, understandable bevattelijk
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
command, order bevelen
withstand bezwaar hebben tegen
candlestick blaker
Afrikander, Boer Boer
commission, message, errand boodschap
Botswana, Bechuanaland Botswana
farmland bouwland
brandy brandewijn
brandy, cognac brandy
candle candela
Cassandra Cassandra
abandonment cessie
commander commandant
order, command commanderen
errand, commission commissie
abandonment concessie
mainland, continent continent
contraband contrabande
landing daling
fop, dandy, dude dandy
opportune, convenient, handy doelmatig
quicksands, quicksand drijfzand
dreamland dromenland
thousand duizend
husband, spouse echtgenoot
husband, spouse, wife eega
backbiting, scandal eerroof
island eiland
postulate, demand eisen
and en
England, Albion Engeland
dude, dandy, fop fat
beautiful, refined, handsome, tasty, subtle, fine fijn
Finland Finland
Flevoland Flevoland
beautiful, handsome, fine fraai
Friesland Friesland
wand, switch gard
Guelders, Guelderland Gelderland
husband gemaal
facile, handy, convenient, comfortable, opportune gemakkelijk
vile, abandoned gemeen
convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune geschikt
hypocritical, underhanded geveinsd
guide-book, handbook, guidebook gids
handbook, guide-book, guidebook gidsboek
magnificent, grand, superb, grandiose grandioos
Greenland Groenland
Greenlander Groenlander
grandmother grootmoeder
grandiose, magnificent, superb, grand groots
grandfather grootvader
wreath, garland guirlande
handshake hand
handshake handdruk
wares, merchandise handelswaar
handful handjevol
handbag, hand-bag handtasje
handle, knob handvat
handful handvol
occupation, handicraft, handiwork handwerk
handle hengsel
Holland Holland
Hollander, Dutchman Hollander
Highlander Hooglander
stand, cottage huisje
Ireland Ierland
Iceland IJsland
Icelander IJslander
Icelandic IJslands
abandonedly, abandoned immoreel
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
accidental, random, chance incidenteel
candle kaars
candle kaarsensterkte
candlestick kandelaar
candidate kandidaat
shanty, barrack, shack, barn, stand keet
granddaughter kleindochter
grandson kleinkind
grandson kleinzoon
handle klink
precize, intelligent, handsome, learned, beautiful knap
wares, merchandise koopwaar
stand kraam
twist, meander kronkelen
chandelier kroon
chandelier kroonluchter
handle, stool, crutch kruk
slander, gossip kwaadspreken
attitudinizer, fop, poseur, dandy, dude kwast
land landen
landing landing
pier, landing-stage landingsplaats
scenery, landscape landschap
Laplander Lap
Lapland Lapland
Laplander Laplander
mandate lastbrief
scandal, backbiting laster
dandelion leeuwetand
shanty, shack, barrack, stand, barn loods
chandelier luchter
Nyasaland, Malawi Malawi
husband, spouse man
authorization, mandate mandaat
Candlemas Maria-Lichtmis
milestone, milepost, landmark mijlpaal
misunderstand misvatten
misunderstanding misverstand
beautifully, beautiful, handsome, fine mooi
sandy, powdery, loose mul
music-stand muziekstander
bandstand muziektent
network, elegant, net, fine, beautifully, handsome net
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
norm, standard norm
Normandy Normandië
Uganda Oeganda
Ugandan Oegandees
greatgrand oer-
granny, grandmother oma
relation, understanding, procession omgang
pretence, high-handedness onbescheidenheid
outstanding, overdue onbetaald
underhanded onoprecht
abandoned onzedelijk
ear, handle oor
grandfather, granddad opa
commission, mission, errand opdracht
postulate, demand opeisen
abandon, lose, say, renounce, tell opgeven
great-grandmother overgrootmoeder
great-grandparent overgrootouder
great-grandfather overgrootvader
hand overhandigen
superb, grand, grandiose, magnificent overweldigend
dandelion paardebloem
Pandora Pandora
sugary, bland poeslief
Poland Polen
abandon prijsgeven
publicity, propaganda propaganda
rand, border, margin, brim rand
righthand, right rechter-
norm, standard regel
guidebook, handbook reisgids
calculate, postulate, demand, figure rekenen
handbag, hand-bag reticule
Rhineland Rijnland
slander roddelen
rod, wand, switch roede
handlebars, helm, rudder, gun, rifle roer
wander, migrate, roam rondreizen
wander, roam, migrate rondtrekken
dandruff, rose roos
sandy, loose rul
Saarland Saarland
dandy, fop, dude saletjonker
sandal sandaal
sandwich sandwich
Scandinavia Scandinavië
Scandinavian Scandinavisch
collection, band, bevy, gang schare
beautiful, handsome, pure, fine, clean schoon
Scotland Schotland
shack, shanty, stand, barrack, barn schuur
Thailand, Siam Siam
Sijbrandaburen, Sybrandabuorren Sijbrandaburen
garland, wreath slinger
meander, brandish, oscillate, sway, fling slingeren
garland, wreath slingerkrans
underhanded, contrived slinks
contraband smokkelwaar
tidbit, candy, delicacy snoep
tidbit, candy, delicacy snoepgoed
candidate sollicitant
switch, wand spitsroede
standard, norm standaardmaat
withstand standhouden
pier, landing-stage steiger
shorthand steno
stenography, shorthand stenografie
underhand stiekem
wand, switch stokje
vandal straatschender
strand stranden
bandit struikrover
joystick, helm, steering-wheel, rudder, handlebars stuur
Swaziland Swaziland
brandish, fling swingen
hand-bag, handbag tasje
cab-stand taxistandplaats
Thailand, Siam Thailand
abandonment toegeving
accidental, random, occasional, chance toevallig
Togo, Togoland Togo
tow, migrate, wander, haul, drag, roam trekken
coterie, band, clique, troupe, gang, junto troep
secondhand tweedehands
guidebook, handbook vademecum
fatherland vaderland
vandal vandaal
right, righthand vandehands
mainland, continent vasteland
veranda veranda
bandage, understanding, relation verband
demand, postulate vereisen
colander, strainer vergiet
misunderstand verkeerd begrijpen
publicity, propaganda verspreiding
Flanders Vlaanderen
mandate volmacht
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
brandy vuurwater
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
continent, mainland werelddeel
incandescent witgloeiend
handkerchief zakdoek
sand zand
Zealand, Zeeland Zeeland
Zealander Zeeuw
candy zoetigheid
sweet-and-sour zoetzuur
brandish, fling, wave, sway zwaaien
bandage zwachtel
Switzerland Zwitserland
other english words that include "seek" : dutch :
hum, seek, buzz snorren
seek uitkijken naar
seek uitzien naar
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.