The English term "go, march, step, flow, tread, walk, pace" matches the Dutch term "lopen"
other english words that include "march" : | dutch : |
March | lentemaand |
March | maart |
march, walk | marcheren |
walk, march | tippelen |
other english words that include "step" : | dutch : |
stride, step, tread, stalk, pace | schrijden |
pace, tread, step | stappen |
steppe | steppe |
stepmother, step-mother | stiefmoeder |
step-father, stepfather | stiefvader |
tread, step, pace | treden |
other english words that include "flow" : | dutch : |
meal, flower, bloom, flour | bloem |
cauliflower | bloemkool |
flowerpot | bloempot |
high-flown, extravagant | buitennissig |
bellflower | campanula |
bellflower | klokje |
wallflower | muurbloem |
superfluous, overflowing | overbodig |
overflowing, superfluous | overtollig |
flow | stromen |
flow | vlieten |
flow | vloeien |
sunflower | zonnebloem |
other english words that include "tread" : | dutch : |
stride, step, tread, stalk, pace | schrijden |
pace, tread, step | stappen |
tread, step, pace | treden |
other english words that include "walk" : | dutch : |
march, walk | marcheren |
sidewalk | stoep |
walk, march | tippelen |
sidewalk | trottoir |
sidewalk | voetpad |
Valkyrie, Walkyrie | walküre |