The English term "develop, cause, make, do, fabricate, manufacture" matches the Dutch term "maken"

other english words that include "do" : dutch :
adorable aanbiddelijk
adore aanbidden
adorable aanbiddenswaardig
adoration, worship aanbidding
adorer, worshipper aanbidster
adopted, job aangenomen
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
confirmation, acceptance, adoption aanneming
Indo-China Achter-Indië
backdoor achterdeur
abdomen achterlijf
document, certificate, testimony acte
Adonis Adonis
adopt adopteren
adoption adoptie
adoration, worship adoratie
adore adoreren
done, finished, over, ready afgelopen
done, used, finished, over afgewerkt
idolator afgodendienaar
idolatry afgodendienst
idolatry afgoderij
idol afgodsbeeld
abandon afleggen
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
document, certificate, diploma, paper akte
ambassador ambassadeur
Andorra Andorra
Andorrian Andorraans
Andorrian Andorrees
anecdote anecdote
anecdote anekdote
orbit, passage, corridor, road baan
Barbados Barbados
risky, hazardous bedenkelijk
Bedouin, Beduin Bedoeïen
profession, certificate, document, enterprise bedrijf
make, do bedrijven
over, finished, done beëindigd
meadow beemd
forgive, pardon begenadigen
endow begiftigen
beneath, below, downstairs, under, underneath beneden
undoubtedly, certainly bepaald
dough beslag
dossier, file bestand
break-down, brakedown bijdraaien
domestic, inner, internal binnenlands
dowry bruidsschat
bulldozer bulldozer
give, donate cadeau geven
abandonment cessie
commodore commodore
abandonment concessie
condolences condoleantie
condom condoom
corridor-train D-trein
below, downstairs, underneath daarbeneden
dominate de baas zijn
decor, decoration, adornment, décor decoratie
dough deeg
door deur
doorway deuropening
doubtful discutabel
doctor doctor
cause, make, act, do doen
dogma dogma
dock dok
certificate, document dokument
dollar dollar
Dollard Dollard
Dolomites Dolomieten
Dominican Dominicaans
dominion dominion
Don Don
Donetz Donjets
down, fluff dons
Dordrecht Dordrecht
Dorian, Doric Dorisch
dose dosis
file, dossier dossier
download downloaden
dozen dozijn
dual, double dubbel
doubt, hesitate dubben
doubtful dubieus
dove, pigeon duif
dual, double duplex
Ecuador Ecuador
Ecuadorian Ecuadoriaans
endorser endossant
endorsement endossement
endorse endosseren
escudo escudo
tressle, ass, workbench, donkey, easel ezel
passage, corridor, gallery gang
adopted geadopteerd
endorsee geëndosseerde
vile, abandoned gemeen
aroma, scent, flavour, odour, odor geur
hazardous, risky gewaagd
envoy, messenger, ambassador, emissary gezant
endorse gireren
endorsement giro
meadow grasland
idolator heiden
serfdom, servitude herendienst
ado, din, noise, tumult, riot herrie
Hindu, Hindoo hindoeïstisch
dog hond
arch-, main, predominant, principal, chief hoofd-
domesticated, house huis-
dowry huwelijksgift
abandonedly, abandoned immoreel
doubt in dubio staan
accidental, random, chance incidenteel
Indonesian, Indian Indisch
Indo-China Indo-China
Indo-European Indo-europees
Indo-Germanic Indogermaans
Indonesia Indonesië
Indonesian Indonesisch
domestic inheems
domestic inlands
condom kapotje
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
hair-do knipbeurt
dome, pavilion, cupola koepel
kingdom koninkrijk
window-frame kozijn
spittoon, cuspidor kwispedoor
din, noise, ado lawaai
dogma leerstelling
dogma leerstuk
noise, din, ado, life leven
serfdom, servitude lijfeigenschap
ticket-window loket
London Londen
odour, heaven, sky, odor, scent, atmosphere, air lucht
odor, odour, scent luchtje
Macedonia Macedonië
Macedonian Macedonisch
Madonna Madonna
endow meegeven
dominate meester zijn
pug, pug-dog mops
pug-dog, pug mopshond
brakedown motorpech
fluff, down nesthaar
abdominal onderbuik-
abdomen onderlijf
undoubtedly ongetwijfeld
abandoned onzedelijk
eye, dot oog
adorned opgesmukt
abandon, lose, say, renounce, tell opgeven
noise, din, ado ophef
orthodox orthodox
endorser overdrager
passage, corridor overloop
idolator paganist
Pandora Pandora
brakedown panne
break-down panne hebben
paradox paradox
paradoxical paradoxaal
dough pasta
brakedown pech
doll pop
door, porter portier
Poseidon Poseidon
abandon prijsgeven
pseudonym pseudoniem
adolescent puber
dot, peak, point, summit punt
framework, window, cadre raam
window-frame raamkozijn
orthodox rechtzinnig
scent, odour, odor reuk
passage, corridor rijstrook
hazardous, risky riskant
rhododendron rododendron
condolences rouwbeklag
rhombus, window-glass ruit
noise, ado, din rumoer
tail, shadow schaduwen
donate, give schenken
pseudonym schuilnaam
adornment sieraad
dot spikkel
spittoon, cuspidor spuugbak
spittoon, cuspidor spuwbak
bad-smelling, stinking, odorous, fumy stinkend
dot stip
stevedore stouwer
part, damaged, certificate, broken, document stuk
stevedore stuwadoor
pigeon, dove tamme duif
abandonment toegeving
accidental, random, occasional, chance toevallig
doll tonnetje
adornment tooisel
torpedo torpederen
dozen twaalftal
dual, double tweeledig
double, dual tweevoudig
doubtful twijfelachtig
doubt twijfelen
window venster
window-frame vensterkozijn
adore verafgoden
admirer, adorer, worshipper vereerster
poison, pardon, forgive vergeven
adorn, decorate, ornament versieren
freedom vlotheid
main, principal, predominant voornaamste
freedom vrijdom
freedom vrijheid
down, fluff waas
widow weduwe
widower weduwnaar
serum, meadow wei
meadow weide
meadow weiland
endorse wenden
wisdom wijsheid
certainly, certain, surely, undoubtedly, sure zeker
seldom zelden
adopt zich eigen maken
other english words that include "fabricate" : dutch :
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
fabricate, manufacture fabriceren
other english words that include "manufacture" : dutch :
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
fabricate, manufacture fabriceren
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.