The English term "a.m." matches the Dutch term "in de morgen"

other english words that include "a_m_" : dutch :
alms aalmoes
workhouse, almshouse aalmoezeniershuis
hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid aambei
haemorhoids aambeien
build, construct, level, aim, install aanleggen
dun, scold, admonish aanmanen
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
attractiveness, charm, attraction aantrekkelijkheid
accordion, harmonica accordeon
administrator, manager administrateur
administrative administratief
administration, management administratiekantoor
manage, administer administreren
admiral admiraal
admirality admiraliteit
payment afbetaling
repayment, instalment afbetalingstermijn
chasm, precipice, abyss, maw afgrond
farm, agricultural agrarisch
almighty almachtig
almond amandel
almond-eyed amandelogig
Amman Amman
Ammon, Amon, Amun Ammon
munition, ammunition ammunitie
anaemia, anemia anemie
instalment, repayment annuïteit
Armenian Armeens
Armenia Armenië
workhouse, almshouse armhuis
Brittany, Bretagne, Armorica Armorica
arm-chair, armchair armstoel
pharmaceutical, medicine artsenij
pharmacy artsenijbereidkunde
atmosphere atmosfeer
clod, chunk, globe, palm, dance, ball, lump bal
bartender, barman barman
calm, quiet, tranquil bedaard
treatment behandeling
administrator, manager beheerder
administer, manage beheren
charming, pleasing bekoorlijk
armor, armour bepantsering
earmark, destine, ordain bestemmen
guide, administer, direct, govern, manage, steer besturen
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
administrative bestuurlijk
admirer bewonderaarster
admire bewonderen
admiring bewonderend
admirable bewonderenswaardig
acclaim, applaud bij acclamatie benoemen
harmonize bijeenpassen
almost, nearly bijkans
nearly, almost bijna
anaemic, anemic bloedarm
anemia, anaemia bloedarmoede
peasant, farmer, page boer
farmland bouwland
flammable brandbaar
Carmelite Carmelieter non
charming charmant
Dalmatia Dalmatië
Dalmatian Dalmatiër
atmosphere dampkring
fragment, item, part, particle deel
item, particle, fragment deeltje
dharma dharma
harmony, unity eendracht
unified, harmonious eendrachtig
pharmacy farmacie
fragmentary fragmentarisch
hammering gehamer
patrolman, gendarme gendarme
pharmaceutical, medicine geneesmiddel
Grammont Geraardsbergen
garment, costume gewaad
gramme, gram gram
grammar grammatica
haste, soon, almost, nearly haast
stutter, stammer hakkelen
hammer hameren
harmony harmonie
harmonize harmoniëren
harmonica harmonika
harmonious harmonisch
armor, armour harnas
army heerschaar
headmaster hoofd der school
headmaster hoofdonderwijzer
zenith, acme hoogtepunt
sympathetic, charming innemend
Mussulman, Mohammedan, Moslem, Muslim islamiet
detail, item, fragment, particle item
fragment, item, particle jaartelling
marmelade, jam jam
quietly, calm, quiet, leisurely, tranquil kalm
karma karma
Carmelite karmelietes
garment kledingstuk
abyss, chasm, pond, depth kolk
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
armour, armor kuras
caprice, treatment, whim kuur
immaterial, lukewarm, dispassionately, indifferent lauw
layman leek
army leger
army legermacht
odour, heaven, sky, odor, scent, atmosphere, air lucht
aerogramme luchtpostbrief
mam, mom, mammy, mommy ma
mammy, mom, mam, teat, mommy mam
mom, mam, mommy, mammy mamma
mam, mommy, mom, mammy mammie
Mammon Mammon
dun, admonish, scold manen
marmelade, jam marmelade
medicine, pharmaceutical medicijn
mildness, gentleness, balminess, meekness mildheid
jam, marmelade, gruel, mush, mess moes
Muhammad, Mohammed Mohammed
Moslem, Muslim, Mohammedan, Mussulman mohammedaan
harmonica mondharmonika
Mussulman, Muslim, Mohammedan, Moslem moslim
ammunition, munition munitie
after-treatment, follow-up nabehandeling
layman niet-ingewijde
armpit oksel
undergarment onderkleding
unarmed ongewapend
inflammation, ignition ontsteking
ophtalmologist, oculist oogarts
inflammatory opruiend
palmtree, palm palm
palmtree palmboom
armour, armor pantser
plasma plasma
programme, program programmeren
wealthy, realm, rich, abundant, well-off, empire rijk
harmony, agreement samenklank
malign, harmful schadelijk
nearly, almost schier
ethos, atmosphere, sphere sfeer
grammar spraakkunst
grammar spraakleer
stammer, stutter stamelen
noiseless, silently, calm, quiet, silent stil
stutter, stammer stotteren
Talmud Talmoed
Tasmanian Tasmaans
Tasmania Tasmanië
admittedly toegegeven
cede, confess, concede, admit, consent, relinquish toegeven
acme toppunt
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
patrolman, gendarme veldwachter
admirer, adorer, worshipper vereerster
admonish, scold vermanen
admiral vlootvoogd
a.m. voor de middag
declaim, recite voordragen
meekness, leniency, balminess, mildness zachtaardigheid
mildness, softness, mellowness, balminess zachtheid
salmon zalm
mammal zoogdier
armchair, arm-chair zorgenstoel
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.