The Dutch term "ring" matches the English term "ring"

other dutch words that include "ring" : english :
aandringen insist
aansporing incitement, exhortation, stimulus
aanvaring collision
acclimatisering acclimatization
afkeuring censure, disapprobation, condemnation, disapproval
aflevering episode, delivery, exercise-book, notebook
afrastering grid, grill
afzwering abjuration
bekeuring protocol, minutes
belegering siege
bepantsering armor, armour
beroering commotion
bevordering promotion
bezwering oath
bij voortduring constantly, continuously, continually
binnendringen penetrate
blijven aandringen persevere, persist
dampkring atmosphere
doordringen penetrate
doordringend abrasive, sharp, lurid
dringen oppress, squeeze, thrust
dringend pressing, urgent
Elzas-Lotharingen Alsace-Lorraine
ervaring experience
fluistering whisper
frankering postage
geestvervoering ecstasy
gering little, diminutive, small
groepering group
hapering wavering, hesitation
haring herring
herinnering recollection, memory
in bewaring geven deposit
inlevering delivery
inspringen indent
isolering insulation, isolation
keerkring tropics
kerkscheuring schism
keuring examination, test, investigation
kring circle, halo
legering alloy
levering delivery
longtering tuberculosis, consumption
Lotharingen Lorraine, Lothringen
maskering masquerade
mijmering reverie
muurschildering wall-painting
nering commerce
neringdoende shopkeeper
nuancering nuance, tint, shade
omringen surround
ondoordringbaar impenetrable
ontspringen spring
ontvoering abduction
oorring earring
opdringen impose
Openbaring van Johannes Apocalypse
overlevering tradition
paring copulation
redevoering speech
regering government
ringeloren tyrannize
schakering shade, nuance, tint
scheuring schism
schildering painting, description
sering lilac
slechte spijsvertering indigestion, dyspepsia
spijsvertering digestion
springen leap, jump
springscherm parachute
storing unrest, interference, disturbance
storing veroorzaken perturb, disquiet
tering tuberculosis, consumption
terugdringen repulse
uitvoering version
uitzondering exception
verandering about-face
verbetering progress
verbittering bitterness
verdringen repulse, suppress
verering cult
vergadering meeting
verjaring birthday
verklaring proclamation, declaration
vernedering abasement
vertering expenses
vervoering ecstasy
verwarring confusion
verzekering insurance
viering celebration
voering lining
volksoverlevering legend
vooringenomenheid prejudice
wandschildering wall-painting
waterkering embankment, dike
weigering refusal
zich indringen intrude
zich opdringen intrude
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.