The Dutch term "Po" matches the English term "Po"

other dutch words that include "po" : english :
aansporen admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold
aansporing incitement, exhortation, stimulus
Acropolis Acropolis
afpoeieren rebuff
afspoelen rinse, gargle
afsponzen sponge
Aleppo Aleppo
alpensport mountaineering
antropoloog anthropologist
Apollo Apollo
apostel apostle
apostrof apostrophe
apotheek drugstore
apotheker chemist
apropos theme
Assepoester Cinderella
bepoederen powder
bespoedigen accelerate
bespotten mock
bloempot flowerpot
bokssport boxing
Bosporus Bosporus
buitensporig inordinate, excessive, excessively, extravagant
colporteren peddle
componeren compose
componist composer
compositie composition
corporatie corporation
corresponderen correspond
coupon coupon
de sporen geven spur
deponeren deposit
deporteren deport
despoot despot
deurpost stake, stanchion
disponibel available
duizendpoot centipede
exporteren export
expositie exposition, exhibition
Hippocrates Hippocrates
hutspot pot-pourri, potpourri
hypocriet hypocrite
hypotheek mortgage
hypothese hypothesis, supposition
hypothetisch hypothetical
imponeren impress
imponerend imposing
importeren import
impotent impotent
inktpot ink-well
japon gown, robe
kapot damaged, broken
kapotjas bonnet
kapotje condom
karrespoor trail
knipogen blink
koffiepot coffee-pot
korporaal corporal
krachtsport athletics
lampolie kerosene
luchtpost air-mail
luchtpostbrief aerogramme
melkpoeder milk-powder
met spoed urgently
metropoliet archbishop
metropolis metropolis
metropool metropolis
monopolie monopoly
nachtjapon night-gown, nightie, night-dress
Napolitaans Neapolitan
Noordpoolgebied Arctic
opofferen sacrifice
oppompen pump
opportunist opportunist
oppositie opposition
Papoea Papuan
paspoort passport
patrijspoort skylight, porthole
po pot, chamber-pot
pochen boast, brag
podium platform, podium, stage
poederen powder
poef swelling, puff
poen money
poepen defecate
Poerimfeest Purim
poeslief sugary, bland
poëtisch poetic
poëzie poetry
pof swelling, puff
pogen endeavour, try, attempt
poging effort
poker poker
pokken smallpox
polair polar
polemiek controversy
Polen Poland
polis policy
politicus politician
politie police
politieagent policeman
politiebureau police-station
politiek political, politics
politiepatrouille squad
politiepost police-station
polka polka
pollepel spoon
pols pulse, wrist
polshorloge wrist-watch, watch
polsslag pulse
Polynesië Polynesia
Polynesisch Polynesian
polyvinylchloride PVC
Pommeren Pomerania
pompelmoes grapefruit
pompen pump
pompeus resplendant
pompoen pumpkin, squash
pond pound
pont ferry
pontveer ferry
pony pony
Pool Pole
Pools Polish
poort gateway
poot paw
pop doll
Poppingawier Poppingawier, Poppenwier
populair popular
populier poplar
pornografie pornography
pornografisch pornographic
pornografisch materiaal pornography
port postage
portable portable
portefeuille wallet
portemonnaie purse
portiek porch
portier door, porter
porto postage
portret portrait
Portugal Portugal
Portugees Portuguese
portvrij stamped, post-paid
Poseidon Poseidon
positie position
positief positive
post stanchion, stake, mail
postbeambte mailman
postbode mailman, postman
posterijen mail
postkantoor post-office
postpapier writing-paper
pot vase, container, vessel
potig robust, sturdy
potlood pencil
pots joke
potsierlijk grotesque
pottenbakker potter
proportie rate, proportion
proportioneel proportional
ratelpopulier aspen
Singapore Singapore
Singaporees Singaporean
sneeuwpop snowman
spoed speed
spoed maken rush, hurry
spoedeisend urgent, pressing
spoedig swift, quick, speedy, soon, rapid
spoel bobbin, spool, coil, spindle
spoelen rinse, gargle, wind
spoken haunt
sponning slot
sponsachtig spongy
spontaan spontaneous
sponzig spongy
spoor railway, railroad, track, trail
spoorstaaf rail
spoorwagen waggon
spoorweg railroad, railway
spoorwegovergang level-crossing
sporadisch sporadic
sport sport
sportman sportsman
sportsman sportsman
spotlachen sneer
spotten mock
suikerpot sugar-bowl, sugarbowl
tampon tampon
theepot teapot
transport transliteration
transporteren transport
trekpot teapot
Tripoli Tripoli
voetspoor track
voorspoed prosperity, success
vrijpostig impertinent
vrijpostigheid impertinence
wagenspoor trail
zich verpozen relax
zilverpopulier abele
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.