The Dutch term "os" matches the English term "ox"

other dutch words that include "os" : english :
abrikoos apricot
ademloos breathless
aflosbaar repayable, redeemable
aflossen amortize, deaden
aflossing substitution, replacement, redemption
afrossen thresh
agnosceren recognize, acknowledge
animositeit enmity
apostel apostle
apostrof apostrophe
apropos theme
argeloos naive, naïve, naïf, naif
arteriosclerose arteriosclerosis
atmosfeer atmosphere
autosnelweg turnpike, motorway
Barbados Barbados
bekostigen finance
besluiteloos indecisive
bewegingloos inert, motionless
bewusteloos unconscious
bewusteloos raken swoon
bioscoop cinema
boos angry
boosaardig vicious, mischievous, malicious
boosheid anger
bos forest, sheaf, bundle, tuft, cluster, bunch, woods
bosbok bushbuck
bosje tuft
bosjes shrubbery
Bosjesman Bushman
Bosnië Bosnia
Bosnië-Hercegovina Bosnia-Hercegovina
Bosnisch Bosnian
Bosporus Bosporus
broos fragile, breakable
carrosserie coach-work, body
chaos chaos
closetpapier toilet-paper
compositie composition
costuum costume
deurpost stake, stanchion
doos container, vessel
doosvrucht capsule, firing-cap
dosis dose
dossier file, dossier
drossen abscond
drost taskmaster
endossant endorser
endossement endorsement
endosseren endorse
energieloos inert
Eos Eos
explosie explosion
expositie exposition, exhibition
filosoferen philosophize
filosofie philosophy
filosofisch philosophic
filosoof philosopher
Formosa Formosa
fosfor phosphorus, phosphorous
fosforescerend phosphorescent
fossiel fossil
framboos raspberry
geëndosseerde endorsee
Gelderse roos guelder-rose
geluidloos noiseless
geroosterd roasted
geruisloos noiseless
gewichtloosheid weightlessness
glossarium glossary
glosse gloss
grandioos magnificent, grand, superb, grandiose
groschen groschen
gyroscoop gyroscope
haardos hair
heros hero
horoscoop horoscope
hospitaal hospital
hulpeloos helpless
Hypnos Hypnos
hypnose hypnosis
Joegoslavië Yugoslavia
Joegoslavisch Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
kerstroos hellebore
klooster monastery
kloosterzuster nun
klos spool, coil, bobbin
kokosnoot coco-nut, cocoanut, coconut, cocoa-nut
kokospalm coconut-palm
kolos colossus
kolossaal colossal
kosmos cosmos
Kosovo Kosovo
kost nourishment
kostbaar costly, expensive, valuable
kostelijk great, delicious
kosten cost, expense
kostwinner breadwinner
kroost offspring
Laos Laos
leproos leper
loos empty, false, void
los free, mobile
losbarsten explode
losbinden untie
loshaken unhook
losjes loosely
loskopen ransom, redeem
loslaten release
losmaken untie, unlash
lossen release, unload
luchtpost air-mail
luchtpostbrief aerogramme
luchtrooster air-grid
lusteloos lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic
lusteloosheid apathy
mannenklooster monastery
metamorfose metamorphosis
microscoop microscope
mistroostig somber
mos moss
mosgroen moss-green
moskee mosque
Moskou Moscow
Moskovitisch Muscovite
moslim Mussulman, Muslim, Mohammedan, Moslem
mossel mussel
mosselplaat mussel-bank, mussel-bed
mossig mossy
mosterd mustard
mosterdgas mustard-gas
muskusos musk-ox
muziekdoos musical-box, music-box
myxomatose myxomatosis
naadloos seamless
naaidoos sewing-box
naamloos anonymous, nameless
nutteloos futile, good-for-nothing, useless, vain
oeros aurochs
onkosten expense
oostelijk Oriental, eastern
oosten east, East
Oostende Ostend, Ostende
Oostenrijk Austria
Oostenrijks Austrian
Oostermeer Eastermar, Oostermeer
Oostermoersevaart Hunze, Oostermoersevaart
oosters eastern, Oriental
Oostgoot Ostrogoth
Oostindisch East-Indian
Oostindische kers nasturtium
op een klos winden wind
opgelost worden dissolve
oplossen dissolve
oplossing solution
oppositie opposition
oscillator oscillator
oscilleren oscillate
oscillograaf oscilloscope
Osiris Osiris
Oslo Oslo
Osmaans Ottoman
Osseet Ossetian
Ossetië Ossetia
ostentatief pretentious
ouderloos orphan
politiepost police-station
Poseidon Poseidon
positie position
positief positive
post stanchion, stake, mail
postbeambte mailman
postbode mailman, postman
posterijen mail
postkantoor post-office
postpapier writing-paper
prognose prognosis
proost cheers
prosit cheers
prospect perspective
prospectus prospectus
prostituée hooker, whore
prostitueren prostitute
radeloos desperate
rinoceros rhino, rhinoceros
roerloos motionless
roos dandruff, rose
rooskleurig pink
rooster schedule, time-table, grill, grid
roosteren roast, toast
ros horse
rosbief roastbeef
rose rose, pink
sleeptros towing-line
smaakloos tasteless
smakeloos tasteless
sprakeloos speechless, dumb, mute
sprakeloosheid aphasia
thermosfles thermos
thermostaat thermostat
toonloos obtuse
Toscane Tuscany
troost consolation
troosteloos desolate, gloomy
troosten console
tros cable
trouweloos treacherous
Tsjechoslowaaks Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
Tsjechoslowakije Czechoslovakia
tuberculose tuberculosis, consumption
verloskundige midwife
Verlosser Saviour, Redeemer
vertroosten console
vertroosting consolation
virtuoos virtuoso
voos worthless
vos fox
vrijpostig impertinent
vrijpostigheid impertinence
waardeloos worthless
watercloset water-closet
werkeloos unemployed
werkeloosheid unemployment
werkloos unemployed
werkloosheid unemployment
Xhosa- Xhosa
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.