The Dutch term "om, heen" matches the English term "around"

other dutch words that include "om" : english :
aalbesseboompje currant-bush
aan komen lopen tackle
aangenomen adopted, job
aankomen arrive
aankomend young, future, junior
aartsbisdom archbishopric
aartshertogdom archduchy
accommodatie equipment
accommoderen accomodate
accompagnement escort, accompaniment
accompagneren accompany
afkomst origin, lineage
afkomstig coming
agglomeraat agglomerate
agronoom agriculturist
alom everywhere
alom bekend famous
andersom vice-versa
Andromeda Andromeda
angstdroom nightmare, incubus
aplomb self-assurance, aplomb
appelboom apple-tree
aroma flavour, aroma
aromatisch nutty, aromatic, fragrant
astronomie astronomy
astronoom astronomer
atomair atomic
atoom atom
atoom- atomic
automaat automoton
automatisch automatic
automobiel automobile, motor-car
autonoom autonomous
axioma axiom
barometer barometer
bekrompen narrow
bergstroom torrent, volley
berkeboom birch
beschroomd timid
betomen bridle, restrain, check
bijeenkomen congregate, assemble, meet
bijeenkomst gathering, assemblage
bijkomend accessory, secondary
bijkomstig secondary, accessory
bijkomstigheid side-issue
bombarderen bomb, bombard
Bombay Bombay
boom tree
boomgaard orchard
boomschors bark
boomstam stem, tree-trunk, trunk
brombeer grouser, grumbler
bromfiets moped
brommen mutter, buzz, hum
bruidegom groom, fiancé, bridegroom
christendom Christianity
cirkelomtrek outskirts, periphery
Colombia Colombia
Colombiaans Colombian
combinatie combination
combineren combine
comfort comfort
comfortabel comfortable
comité committee
commandant commander
commanderen order, command
commandobrug bridge
commentaar annotation
commentaar leveren op comment
commissaris commissar
commissie errand, commission
commode dresser
commodore commodore
communie communion
communiqué communication
communisme communism
communist communist
compact compact
compartiment coupé
compenseren compensate
competent competent
compilatie compilation
compiler compiler
compileren compile
compleet entire, complete, whole, full
complet suit, outfit
complex complex
compliceren complicate
complimenteren compliment
componeren compose
componist composer
compositie composition
comprimeren compress
compromis accomodation
computer computer
condoom condom
daaromheen roundabout
Dahomey Dahomey
de trompet steken trumpet
denneboom pine
Deuteronomium Deuteronomy
diploma diploma
diplomaat diplomat
doen schommelen rock, swing
doen toekomen transmit, send
Dolomieten Dolomites
dom stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish
dom kijken gawk
domicilie dwelling-place, abode
Dominicaans Dominican
dominion dominion
dommekracht jack
doorkomen succeed
draai om de oren slap
drom crowd, pile, mass, multitude
dromen dream, daydream
dromenland dreamland
dromer day-dreamer, dreamer, muser
drommel devil
drommels devilish, diabolical
droombeeld vision
dwarsbomen oppose
economie economy, economics
economisch economical
een verband omleggen dress
eerstkomend nearest, next
eigendom ownership, possession
eigendomsrecht ownership
einddiploma leaving-certificate
elzeboom alder
eromheen roundabout
fenomeen phenomenon
fenomenaal phenomenal
frommelen crease
gecommitteerde commissioner
gecompliceerd complicated
gediplomeerd graduate, certificated
gedroom reverie
geometrie geometry
geschommel oscillation
gestroomlijnd streamlined
gnoom goblin, brownie, gnome
godverdomme damn
gom eraser
gommen erase
grommen bleat, neigh, bellow
H-bom H-bomb
hefboom crowbar, crow-bar
herkomst origin
het verdommen refuse
Homerus Homer
hommel bumblebee
homo homosexual
homofiel homosexual
idioom idiom
in aanmerking komen count
in omloop about
in omloop zijn circulate
in opstand komen revolt
incompleet incomplete
Indische vijgenboom banyan
indompelen dip, immerse
inkomen income
jodendom Judaism
kastanjeboom chestnut-tree
kauwgom chewing-gum
kerseboom cherry-tree
kerstboom Christmas-tree
kilometer kilometer, kilometre
klapperboom coconut-palm
klomp lump, clod, chunk
kolom column, pillar
kom pelvis, bowl, basin
komaan now
komaf lineage
komediant actor
komedie comedy
Komen Comine
komend near
komisch comic, comical
komkommer cucumber
komma comma
kompas compass
komplot conspiracy
krom curved, bent
kromme curve
lindeboom linden-tree, lime-tree
locomotief engine
lomp rude, rag, coarse
lorkeboom larch
mangaboom mango-tree
mangisboom mangosteen
mangoboom mango-tree
mensdom mankind
met een band omgeven tape
met gom bestrijken erase
moerbeiboom mulberry-tree
moment moment, instant
mompelen mutter
myxomatose myxomatosis
naaldboom conifer
nagekomen subsequent
nakomeling successor
nakomelingschap offspring
nakomertje afterthought
nomade nomad
nomadisch nomadic
noteboom walnut-tree
olijfboom olive-tree
om on, around
oma granny, grandmother
Oman Oman
omarmen embrace
ombrengen slay, kill
ombuigen bend
omdat because
omelet omelet, omelette
omgaan circumvent
omgaan met manipulate
omgang relation, understanding, procession
omgekeerd reversed, vice-versa
omgeven surround
omgeving environment, environs, surroundings, sphere
omgorden gird
omheind terrein enclosure
omhelzen embrace
omhoog up, upwards
omhullen envelop
omkeer about-face
omkleden clothe
omkomen perish
omkopen bribe
omleggen commute
omlijning contour, outline
omlijsting cadre, framework
omloop circulation, traffic
ommezijde reverse, back
omploegen plough
omringen surround
omroepen broadcast
omroepster announcer
omroeren whirl, froth, whip
omschakelen commute
omschrijven define
omschrijving definition
omslag lid
omsluieren veil
omsluiten enclose
omstandigheid circumstance
omstreken surroundings, environs
omtrek environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline
omtrent around, concerning
omvang extend, dimension, bulk, size
omvangrijk bulky, extensive, ample
omvatten comprise
omvouwen fold
omwalling rampart
omwenteling revolution
omzet turnover
onbekrompenheid abundance
onderdompelen immerse
onderkomen dwelling, residence
ontkomen escape, flee
oom uncle
oomzegger nephew
op verhaal komen convalesce, recuperate
opkomen ascend
opkomen voor defend
opkomend new, novel
oppompen pump
oranjeboom orange-tree
ouderdom age
overeenkomend analogous
overeenkomst resemblance, similarity
overkomen seem
palmboom palmtree
pantomime spelen pantomime
peperboompje daphne
pereboom pear-tree
pijnboom pine
platboomde schuit barge
plomp awkward
Pommeren Pomerania
pompelmoes grapefruit
pompen pump
pompeus resplendant
pompoen pumpkin, squash
prinsdom principality
promenade promenade
Prometheus Prometheus
promotie promotion
promotor promotor
promoveren promote
prompt immediate
rechtsom clockwise
recommandatie recommendation
recommanderen recommend
Retoromaans Rhaeto-Romance, Romanche
rijkdom wealth
Romaans Romance, Romanesque
romance romance
romanschrijver novelist
romantiek romanticism
romantisch romantic
Rome Rome
Romeins Roman
rommel rubble, rest, rubbish, chaos, debris, disorder
romp hull
Salomon Salomon
samenkomen assemble, congregate, converge, meet
samenkomst assemblage, gathering
scheepsromp hull
schommelen oscillate
schommeling oscillation
schuiftrompet trombone
sinaasappelboom orange-tree
som sum
Somalië Somalia
Somaliland Somalia
Somalisch Somali, Somalian
somber somber, desolate, gloomy, dark
somma sum
stom speechless, dumb, mute
stomp blunt, obtuse
stompen punch
stoom steam, vapor, vapour
stoomboot steamship
stoomketel steam-boiler, boiler
stromen flow
stromend fluent
stroming stream
stroom torrent, river, volley, stream
symptoom symptom
syndroom syndrome
tegemoetkomen aan satisfy
thermometer thermometer
toekomen merit, deserve
tomaat tomato
tomatensoep tomato-soup
toom restraints
tot inkeer komen repent
trigonometrie trigonometry
triomferen triumph
trom drum
trombone trombone
trommel drum
trommelaar drummer
trommelslager drummer
tromp proboscis
uitkomen sprout
veelomvattend ample, extensive, comprehensive, bulky
verdomd damn
verdomme damn
verfomfaaien crease, dishevel
versomberen darken
vijgeboom fig-tree
volkomen full, entirely, completely, fully, perfect
volkomenheid perfection
vooringenomenheid prejudice
voorkomend friendly, affable, good-natured, kind
voorkomendheid kindness
vorstendom principality
vrijdom freedom
waard om van te houden likable
waarom why
waarom? why?
walnoteboom walnut-tree
wasdom growth
waterstofbom H-bomb
weersomstandigheden weather
wervelkolom spine
zich bekommeren worry, care
zomer summer
zomerhuis summer-house, summerhouse
zomerhuisje summer-house, summerhouse
zomermaand June
zoom brim, border
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.