The Dutch term "je" matches the English term "you, your, thou"

other dutch words that include "je" : english :
aalbesseboompje currant-bush
aaltje eelworm
aan je you
aanplakbiljet poster, notice
aapje cab
aardmannetje goblin, gnome, brownie, imp
adjectief adjective
afdankertje cast-off
Algerije Algeria
alsjeblieft please
anjelier carnation
anjer carnation
bankbiljet bank-note, banknote
Barbarije Barbary
beekje brook
bijeen together
bijeenbrengen unite
bijeenkomen congregate, assemble, meet
bijeenkomst gathering, assemblage
bijeenpassen harmonize
bijeenroepen convoke
bijeenschakelen coordinate, co-ordinate
bijenhouder bee-keeper
bijenkorf beehive, bee-hive
bijenschans apiary
bijenstal apiary
bijenteelt bee-keeping
bijenwas beeswax
biljet note, ticket
boekje booklet
boeltje possessions
bolletje roll
bolsjewiek Bolshevik
bordje shield, sign-board
bosje tuft
bosjes shrubbery
Bosjesman Bushman
briefje bank-note, banknote
broodje roll
buitenkansje luck
Bulgarije Bulgaria
chequeboekje cheque-book
Chinees klokje forsythia
dakkamertje garret, attic
dakplankje shingle
deeltje item, particle, fragment
deuntje melody
dienstmeisje servant, maid
Donjets Donetz
douchehokje showerstall
drankje beverage
driekleurig viooltje pansy
Dzjoengarije Dzungaria
een beetje some
een geintje maken kid
een klein beetje rather
eetstokjes chopsticks
eventjes momentarily
foefje subterfuge, trickery
franje frindge
Gasconjer Gascon
gedijen prosper
gletsjer glacier
goedje substance
grootje granny
Guinees biggetje guinea-pig
haakje bracket, clamp, hook, staple, parenthesis
haakjes brackets, parantheses
hachje life
handjevol handful
handtasje handbag, hand-bag
Hongarije Hungary
huisje stand, cottage
huisjesslak snail
ijsje icecream, ice
in zijn eentje singly
injecteren inject
injectie injection
injectiespuit syringe
jasje jacket
jegens on, against
Jehova Jehovah
Jemen Yemen
Jemenitisch Yemeni
jenever gin
Jericho Jericho
Jersey Jersey
Jeruzalem Jerusalem
jeugd youth
jeugdigheid youth
jeuken itch
Jezus Jesus
juffertje dragonfly
kaartje ticket, coupon, note
kaartjesloket booking-office
kadetje roll
kapje supersign
kapotje condom
kapseltje capsule, firing-cap
karretje cart, chariot
kastanje chestnut
kastanjeboom chestnut-tree
katje kitten
kikkervisje tadpole, tad-pole
klokje bellflower
koekje cupcake
konijntje bunny
kopje cup
kousje fuse, wick
kuifje tuft
lampje bulb
lichtjes lightly, weakly
liefje darling, sweetheart
lieveheersbeestje ladybug
lijntje rope
losjes loosely
luchtje odor, odour, scent
luierbroekje pilch
madeliefje daisy
majesteit excellency
majestueus majestic
mannetjeshert stag
Mantsjoerije Manchuria
meisje fiancée, girl, bride, lass
meizoentje daisy
monsterflesje sample-bottle
muiltje mule
murmelen (v. beekje) burble, gurgle, murmur, purl
naaimandje sewing-basket, work-basket
naambordje name-plate
nachtlampje night-lamp
nachtlichtje night-lamp
nagelschaartje nail-scissors
nakomertje afterthought
netjes decently, properly
nietje clamp, staple, parenthesis, bracket
nieuwtje news, novelty
object object
opstapje stair, rung
Oranje Orange
oranje orange-coloured, orange
oranjeboom orange-tree
paadje path
paardekastanje chestnut, chestnut-tree
pakje parcel, packet
peperboompje daphne
peukje stub, cigarette-end, cigar-stub, cigar-end
pilletje marble, corpuscle
plassertje peter, willy
posterijen mail
pretje entertainment
projecteren project
projectietoestel projector
projector projector
puistje pimple
retourbiljet return-ticket
roodborstje robin
saffiaantje cigarette
scheermesje razor-blade
schoelje scoundrel
schoteltje saucer
sigarepeukje cigar-stub, cigar-end
sjeik sheikh, sheik
slaatje salad
slabbetje bib
slipje briefs
Slowakije Slovakia
smoesje pretext
sovjet- Soviet
Sovjet-Unie USSR
Spanje Spain
spruitjes Brussels-sprouts
spuitje injection
stadje town
standje observation, remark
stelletje outfit, suit
sterretje asterisk
stokje wand, switch
strooibiljet flier
subject subject
subjectief subjective
sujet chap, guy
taaltje jargon
tasje hand-bag, handbag
theelepeltje teaspoon
toetje dessert
tonnetje doll
Troje Troy
Tsjechisch Czech
Tsjechoslowaaks Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
Tsjechoslowakije Czechoslovakia
Tsjetsjeens Chechen
Tsjetsjenië Chechenia
Turkije Turkey
twaalfuurtje lunch, snack
uiltje moth, night-moth
uit vrije wil voluntarily
uitstapje excursion, outing
vaartje father
verstoppertje hide-and-seek
vingerhoedje thimble
vlijen lay
vodje rag
vrijen woo, court
vrouwtje female
vuurvliegje firefly
wafeltje wafer
Walachije Wallachia, Walachia
werkje drawing, design
wijfje female
wijsje melody
winterkoninkje wren
zachtjes slowly, gently, leasurely, carefully
zomerhuisje summer-house, summerhouse
zoutvaatje saltshaker
zwakjes lightly, weakly
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.