The Dutch term "ik" matches the English term "I"

other dutch words that include "ik" : english :
aalduiker grebe
aalfuik eel-trap
aanblik aspect, exterior
aandikken heighten, thicken
aanreiken convey, hand
aantikken finish
abrikoos apricot
absintlikeur absinth, absinthe
afbikken chip
Afrika Africa
Afrikaans Afrikaans, African
Afrikaner Afrikaner, Afrikander
afschrikken scare, deter, discourage
afschrikking deterrence
afschrikwekkend forbidding, deterrent
afwikkelen liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude
Amerika America
Amerikaans American
artikel article, paragraph, commodity
Benedictijner monnik Benedictine
bereiken reach, accomplish
beschikbaar available
beschikking disposition
bikini bikini
bikken eat, feed, chip
blikken tin
blikopener tin-opener
bliksem lightning
bliksems darn
buik belly, tummy
buikloop diarrhoea
dik thick, greasy, dense, concentrated, corpulent, fat
dikte thickness
dikwijls often, regularly, frequently
doen schrikken terrify, frighten
doorslikken swallow
duiken dive, plunge
duiker diver
duikerklok diving-bell
edik vinegar
een blik werpen glance
een blik werpen op glance
eikehouten oak, oaken
eikel acorn
eiken oaken, oak
Emmerik Emmerich
etiket etiquette, label
feniks phoenix
fiks strong
flikken mend
flikker homosexual
flikkeren flash, flare, flicker
gebruik way, custom, mores
gebruikelijk accustomed, wonted, customary, usual
gebruiken feed, eat
gebruiker user, consumer
gebruikt used
geschikt convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune
geschiktheid fitness, capability, suitability
handelsartikel commodity, article
harmonika harmonica
harmonikaspeler accordionist
havik hawk
hikken hiccough, hiccup
hinniken whinny
huik cowl
in elkaar duiken cower, crouch, squat
inblikken can
ingewikkeld complicated
ingewikkeld maken complicate
inschikkelijk manageable, tractable, accommodating
inslikken engulf, swallow
inwikkelen envelop
ja knikken nod
kerkgebruik rite
kikker frog
kikkerdril spawn
kikkervisje tadpole, tad-pole
kikvors frog
klassikaal classic, classical
klikken rattle, click, denounce
knikken nod
krik jack
kruik jug, pitcher
kuiken chick
kwik quicksilver
kwikzilver quicksilver
lariks larch
ledikant bedstead
leeuwerik lark
likdoorn corn
likeur liqueur
likken lick
luik skylight
Luik Liège
luik shutter, porthole
luxeartikel luxury
mierik horse-radish, horseradish
mierikswortel horseradish, horse-radish
mik bread, loaf
mikken intend
mikken op intend
mikpunt object
mondharmonika harmonica
monnik monk
monnikskap monkshood, aconite
muzikaal musical
muzikaliteit musicality
muzikant musician
naaikunst needlework
niks nothing, none
ogenblik moment, instant
ogenblikkelijk immediate
onbruikbaar good-for-nothing, useless
onderbuik- abdominal
onderschikkend voegwoord subjunction
ongebruikelijk unusual
ontluiken sprout
ontwikkeld cultured, educated, well-informed, learned
ontwikkeling evolution, development, growth, output
opduikelen excavate, grub
opgeprikt resplendant
palingfuik eel-trap
paprika paprika
pelikaan pelican
perikel peril, adventure
perzik peach
pik prick, cock
pikhouweel pick-axe
pikken stab, sting
predikant preacher
prediken preach
prik spades
prikkeldraad barbed-wire
prikkelen spur, excite
prikken stab, sting
pruik hairpiece, wig
reikhalzen yearn
republikeins republican
rozestruik rose-bush
ruiker bouquet
scheikunde chemistry
schrik aanjagen terrify, frighten
schrikaanjagend terrible, dreadful
schrikbewind terror
schrikkeljaar leap-year
sik goat
sikh Sikh
sikkel sickle
sjeik sheikh, sheik
slik mud
slikken swallow
sluikhandelaar smuggler
sluiks stealthily
snikheet hot
snikkel prick, cock
snikken sob
spikkel dot
stikken quilt
strik mesh, loop
strikt stringent, rigorous
struik bush, shrub
struikelen stumble
struikgewas shrubbery
struikrover bandit
suiker sugar
suikerpalm sugar-palm
suikerpot sugar-bowl, sugarbowl
suikerriet sugar-cane
suikerziekte diabetes
Tadzjikistan Tadzhikistan
tersluiks stealthily
tikken pat
toereiken suffice
toereikend zijn suffice
trekharmonika accordion
uitreiken procure
uitreiking distribution
valstrik trap, snare
vehikel vehicle
veldprediker padre, chaplain
verbruiken consume
verbruiker consumer
verbruiksbelasting excise-duty, excise
verdikken thicken
Verenigde Staten van Amerika USA
verschrikking abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity
verstrikken implicate, entangle
verstuiken dislocate
verwikkeling tangle
vies ruiken reek, smell, stink
viking Viking
weeldeartikel luxury
wikkel wrapper
wilsbeschikking tendency, predisposition
zich ontwikkelen evolve
Zuidafrikaans Afrikaans
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.