The Dutch term "ha" matches the English term "aha"

other dutch words that include "ha" : english :
aan de hand zijn occur
aan de scharrel zijn flit, flirt, flutter
aandeelhouderschap shareholdership
aanhalen chuck, caress, fondle, quote, cite, stroke
aanhalig affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly
aanhaling quotation
aanhalingstekens quotes
aanhang party, adherents, followers, supporters, disciples
aanhangen stick
aanhanger supporter, adept, member
aanhanger van een rechtse parti right-hander
aanhangig pending
aanhangsel codicil, rider, appendix, accessorie, side-issue
aanhangwagen trailer
aanhankelijk devoted, selfless
aanhankelijkheid attachement
aanharken rake
aanzetschakelaar starter
Abchazië Abkhazia
Abchazisch Abkhazian
Abraham Abraham
ademhalen breathe
ademhaling respiration
Afghaans Afghan
Afghanistan Afghanistan
afhaken unhook, uncouple
afhalen expect, deduct, await, wait, abide
afhandelen finnish, expedite, settle, conclude
afhangen depend
afhankelijk dependent
afhankelijk zijn depend
afhankelijkheid dependence
afschaduwing adumbration
afschaffen abolish, abrogate, remove
afschaffing abolition, abrogation
afschaven abrade
afschaving abrasion
agentschap agency
alleenhandel monopoly
archaïsch archaic
Bahama Eilanden Bahamas
Bahamaans Bahamian
Bahamas Bahamas
beha bra
behaaglijk nice, enjoyable, lovely, pleasing, agreeable
behaagziek coquettish
behalen get, win, acquire, accomplish, attain, earn, reach
behalve alongside
behandelen cure, treat
behandeling treatment
behang tapestry, wallpaper
beschaafd gentlemanlike, polite, courteous, well-mannered
beschaamd ashamed
beschaamd maken abash
beschadigen injure, spoil
beschamen abash
beschaven civilize, civilization
beschaving culture, civilization
beterschap progress
beunhazen botch
bijeenschakelen coordinate, co-ordinate
bijenschans apiary
blijdschap joy, gladness
bloedschande incest
Boeddha Buddha
boekhandelaar bookseller
Boethan Bhutan
boodschap commission, message, errand
bruidsschat dowry
bruinharig brunette
bushalte busstop
buurtschap hamlet, township
Carthaags Carthaginian
Carthago Carthage
Chaldea Chaldea
champagne champagne
champignon mushroom
chanson chanson
chaos chaos
chaotisch chaotic
chaperonne chaperon, duenna
chaperonneren squire
chapiter chapter
chargeren exaggerate
charitatief charitable
Charkov Kharkov
charlatan imposter, charlatan, quack
charmant charming
Charon Charon
charter charter
Chartoem Khartoum, Khartum
Charybdis Charybdis
chatri chatri
chauffeur chauffeur
chauvinisme chauvinism
chauvinist chauvinist
de hare hers
de schouders ophalen shrug
derhalve consequently
dharma dharma
difussiehalo halo
disharmonisch inconsonant
dooreenhalen confuse
dubbelhartig false, treacherous
eigenschap quality
Elzas-Lotharingen Alsace-Lorraine
feestelijk inhalen welcome
fijnhakken mince, dice, chop
gehaast hurriedly, hurried, hastily
gehalte value, worth
gehamer hammering
gehavend damaged
geisha geisha
gemeenschap community
gemeenschappelijk common, collective
gemeenschapszin solidarity
genootschap academy, association
Ghana Ghana
Ghanees Ghanaian
Golgotha Golgotha, Calvary
graafschap county
gramschap anger
haag hedge
Haags Hague
haai shark
haaibaai shrew
haakje bracket, clamp, hook, staple, parenthesis
haakjes brackets, parantheses
haaks right-angle
haal streak
haan rooster
haan van een vuurwapen trigger
haar she, its, her, hair, hairs, their
haard hearth, focus, firebox
haardos hair
haardstede fireplace, hearth
haarkloven haze, quibble
haarklover hair-splitter, nit-picker, niggler
haarkloverij hair-splitting
Haarlem Haarlem, Harlem
haas hare
haast haste, soon, almost, nearly
haast maken hurry, rush
haastig hastily, swift, quick, rapid, hurriedly, hurried
haastigheid haste
hachelijk critical, dangerous
hachelijkheid danger
hachje life
hagel hail
hagelkorrel hailstone
hagelsteen hailstone
Haïti Haiti
hakbijl axe
hakkelen stutter, stammer
hakken hack
hal hall
half half
halfdonker twilight, dusk
halfrond hemisphere
haliotis abalone, haliotis
hallo hello, hey
hallo? hello?
hals neck, knob
halsboord collar
halsdoek shawl
halsketting necklace
halssnoer necklace
halsstarrig stubborn, obstinate
halthouden halt
ham ham
Hamburg Hamburg
hamburger hamburger
hameren hammer
hand handshake
handdoek towel
handdruk handshake
handel commerce, trading
handel drijven trade
handelaar businessman, merchant
handelbaar tractable, manageable
handeldrijven negotiate, trading
handelen act, negotiate, trade
handelen volgens follow, observe
handeling activity, action
handelsartikel commodity, article
handelsfirma company
handelshuis company
handelswaar wares, merchandise
handig dexterous, skillful, clever
handjevol handful
handkar cart, chariot
handkoffer valise, suitcase
handpalm palm
handschoen glove, mitten
handschrift manuscript
handtasje handbag, hand-bag
handtekening signature
handvat handle, knob
handvest charter
handvol handful
handwerk occupation, handicraft, handiwork
handwortel wrist
hanengevecht cockfight
hang-glider hang-glider
hangen droop, hang
hangkast wardrobe, clothes-press
Hannibal Hannibal
Hannover Hanover
Hanoi Hanoi
hansworst buffoon, jester
hanteren manipulate
Hanze Hanse
hap mouthful, morsel
haperen malfunction
hapering wavering, hesitation
happen bite
happig greedy, avid
hard hard, quickly, swiftly, severe, loud, strict
Hardegarijp Hurdegaryp, Hardegarijp
harden harden, temper
hardhandig coarse
hardheid harshness, hardness
hardlijvig constipated
hardloper runner
hardnekkig stubborn, obstinate
hardop loudly
hardvochtigheid harshness
harem harem
haren hairs
harig hairy, shaggy
haring herring
harken rake
Harkov Kharkov
harlekijn jester, buffoon
harmonie harmony
harmoniëren harmonize
harmonika harmonica
harmonikaspeler accordionist
harmonisch harmonious
harnas armor, armour
harp harp
hars resin
hart heart
hart- cardiac
hartelijk hearty, cordial
hartgrondig whole-hearted
hartstocht lust
hartstochtelijk passionate
hartsvanger cutlass
hartzeer affliction
hasj hashish
hasjiesj hashish
hatelijk mischievous, malicious, vicious
haten hate
Havanna Havana
haven harbour, port, harbor
havenen spoil, injure
haver oats
havik hawk
Hawaii Hawaii
Hawaiiaans Hawaiian
hazelnoot hazelnut
hazewind greyhound
hazewindhond greyhound
heerschaar army
heerschappij reign, rule, control, power
heldhaftig heroic
herhaaldelijk repeatedly
herhalen repeat
herhaling repetition
het haar wassen shampoo
het hare hers
inderhaast hastily, hurriedly
inhalen pass, accomplish, overtake, reach, overhaul
inhalig miserly, stingy, avaricious
inham bay, gulf
Ithaca Ithaca
jakhals jackal
Johannesburg Johannesburg
keihard diehard
kleinhandelaar retailer
koopmanschap commerce
Kopenhagen Copenhagen
laaghartig vile
lafhartig afraid
lafhartigheid cowardice
landschap scenery, landscape
langzamerhand gradually
lethargie lethargy
levende have livestock
lichaamsbouw stature
lichamelijk physical
lichtschakelaar light-switch
lid van een geleerd genootschap academician
lidmaatschap membership
lijfeigenschap serfdom, servitude
loshaken unhook
Lotharingen Lorraine, Lothringen
luchthartig flighty, impulsive
luchthaven airport
maatschappelijk social
maatschappijleer sociology
marchanderen haggle, bargain
Maria-Boodschap Annunciation
mechanica mechanics
mechanisch mechanical
mijnschacht shaft
Mohammed Muhammad, Mohammed
mohammedaan Moslem, Muslim, Mohammedan, Mussulman
mohammedanisme Islam
mondharmonika harmonica
muziekwetenschap musicology
nabehandeling after-treatment, follow-up
nabuurschap neighborhood
nachtschade nightshade
naderhand subsequently, afterwards
nagelschaartje nail-scissors
nakomelingschap offspring
nauwer aanhalen strech
nesthaar fluff, down
nonchalance negligence, carelessness, remissness
nonchalant negligent, careless, remiss, neglectful
omschakelen commute
onafhankelijk independant, autonomous
onbeschaamd impertinent
onderschatten underestimate
onschatbaar priceless
onthaal acceptance
op verhaal komen convalesce, recuperate
open haard hearth
Openbaring van Johannes Apocalypse
openhartigheid sincerity
ophalen inhale, lever
opharken rake
overhalen distil
overhandigen hand
overschakelen commute
overschatten overestimate
paard in schaakspel cavalier, knight
Phaëthon Phaeton
raadgevend lichaam council
Rajasthan Rajasthan
reikhalzen yearn
rekenschap calculation
rentmeesterschap stewardship
rolschaats rollerskate
ruigharig shaggy, hairy, untidy, bristly
Sahara Sahara
samenhang connection, unity
schaak chess
schaakbord chess-board, chessboard
schaakmat mat
schaakspel chess
schaal carapace, dish, platter, shell, husk
schaap sheep
schaar tongs, scissors
schaars rare
schaats skate
schablone template, templet, stencil
schacht rod, shaft
schade loss, pity
schade aanrichten damage
schadelijk malign, harmful
schaden damage
schaduwbeeld silhouette
schaduwen tail, shadow
schaduwzijde disadvantage
schakering shade, nuance, tint
schalks frolic, frolicsome
schamperheid contempt
schande smirch
schandelijk shameful
schap shelf
schapevlees mutton
schappelijk lenient
schare collection, band, bevy, gang
scharnier hinge
scharrelen fumble, scratch, court, woo
schat treasure, sweetheart, darling
schatten estimate, appraise
schatting tribute
schaven abrade
schavot scaffold
schavuit crook, rogue
schurkachtig handelen cheat
Sinhalees Sinhalese, Singhalese
Sjanghai Shanghai
sluikhandelaar smuggler
sprinkhaan locust, grasshopper
taxichauffeur taxi-driver, taxidriver
Tchad Chad
Thailand Thailand, Siam
Thais Thai
toonschaal key, gamut
trekharmonika accordion
trouwhartig loyal
tweedehands secondhand
uithakken sculpture, carve
uithangbord shield, sign-board
uitschakelen eliminate
vandehands right, righthand
vasthaken clasp
verhaal history, tale, narrative
verhaasten accelerate
verhalen relate
verhandelen vend, sell
verhandeling treatise, treaty
verschaffen procure
verschansing fortification
vervolgverhaal serial
verwantschap affinity, relationship
vijandschap enmity
vlieghaven airfield
volhardend persistent
vriendschap friendship
Walhalla Valhalla, Walhalla
Warschau Warsaw
weegschaal scales
wetenschap science
wetenschappelijk scientific
wetenschapper scientist
winkelhaak T-square
woordenschat vocabulary
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.