The Tokpisin term "hebsen, pi" matches the English term "peas"

other tokpisin words that include "pi" : english :
rausim bel, kilim pikinini long bel abort, have abortion
apinun afternoon
karamapim tok ambiguous (be)
supia bilong banara arrow
supia I gat huk arrow or spear, barbed
pikinini baby
pikinini i dring susu yet baby not yet weaned
hansapim bail up, hold up
ol pikinini mambu bamboo shoots
kirapim begin
bilip, bilipim believe
pisin bird
litimapim em yet boastful, proud
boi; manki, pikinini man boy
kapiak breadfruit
Bipi Burns Philp
welpig bush Pig, wild pig
mat or tepik carpet
sapim carve (canoe)
kasava, tapiok cassava
hukim pis catch fish
sikirapim tok chatter
pike chewing gum
pikinini child
haus piksa cinema
kopi coffee
karamapim cover (vb)
pilo cushion
saripim cut grass with sarip
pikinini meri (bilong em) daughter
i dai pinis dead
karamapim tok deceive
kusaiman, man bilong karamapim tok deceiver
kamapim develop
dai pinis die
kirapim establish
apinun evening (early
sikrapim bel bilong excite
kwik piksa leta fax
gras bilong pisin feather
filim, pilim feel
pikus tri fig tree
pulapim fill
pilum film (camera)
piksa film (movie show)
pilta filter
pul bilong pis fin of fish
pinis tru finally
painim pinis find
pinga finger
kapa bilong pinga fingernail
pinis, pinisim finish
pis fish
fiksim, piksim fix
kol pinis flat (of battery)
piak, kapupu flatulate, fart
han (bilong pik) foreleg (of pig))
sikrapim bel bilong fornicate
kirapim found, establish
i ais pinis frozen
pikinini bilong diwai; prut fruit
kirapim get someone up from bed
apinun good afternoon
ol pikinini bilong rop wain grapes
hapim halve
lek bilong pik ham
hangamapim hang (something) up
hevim seks, wantaim meri, pilai wantaim meri, sutim meri, goapim meri, paulim meri have sexual intercourse with a woman
halivim, helpim help
lek (bilong pik) hind leg (of Pig)
haisapim, apim, winsim hoist, lift up
pikinini bilong rot illegitimate child
kamapim improve
antapim increase (price)
kilim i dai pinis kill
pikinini bilong sipsip lamb
gris bilong pik lard
slipim lay (something) down
liptimupim lift (vb)
kamapim lait light (colour)
manmeri , pipel men & women
kamera piksa movie camera
haus bilong pisin nest
pin bilong nus nose pin
opis, ofis office
pikinini diwai oliv olives
op, opim, i op i stap open
kirapim open (new business)
opim open (vb)
manmeri, pipel people
nilpis perch, spiny fish
foto, poto, piksa photo
piksa picture
tok pisin Pidgin language
pik pig
hipim pile up
pilo pillow
skin pilo pillow slip
pin pin
pilai, pilaim play
pilaim gita, piano play guitar, piano
wanpilai playmate
piemvi PMV
mekim long pinga long point out
pik, abus pik pork
pos opis, posopis, haus pos post office
kamapim mani raise money
apim (pe) raise, increase
pulim, goapim rape
pipia, rabis rubbish
tin pipia rubbish tin
sikirapim, sikrapim scrape
sikirapim kokonas scrape coconut
pipia scraps
wara Sepik, riva Sepik Sepik River
samapim sew
samap, samapim sew up
sepim shave
solapim slap
pikinini man (bilong em) son
spik, tok, toktok speak
spia, supia spear
spirim spear (Something
spit speed
bagarapim spoil
pilai sport
sanapim stand up, erect (something)
dai (indai)i stop, stopim stop
susuim pinga suck finger
pitpit sugarcane
man bilong samapim klos tailor (n)
tapiok, kasara tapioca
bokis wailis wantem piksa television
haus piksa theatre
tinpis tinned fish
pinga bilong fut/lek toe
pisin totem, clan
pilim touch
taipim type
taipis typist
pispis urinate
karamapim tok vague, be tok
mit bilong pikinini bulmakau veal
wel pik wild pig
han bilong pisin wing
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