The Tokpisin term "ti" matches the English term "tea (in liquid form)"

other tokpisin words that include "ti" : english :
samting about, approximately
sutim long tok accuse (someone)
katim maritnarakain annul a marriage
samting, samting olsem approximately
samting tumbuna art
paitim beat, beat up
krungutim bend (something)
brukim/katim lo bite off
litimapim em yet boastful, proud
op tin bottle opener
singautim call (something or someone)
tin can, tin
benetii cassowary (New Britain); see also Muruk
sentimita centimetre
katim long akis/tamiok chop
sopstik chopsticks
klab; stik bilong pait club
kotim complain
haitim conceal
tokautim sin confess
samting bilong pasim bel contraceptive for females
tanim tingting, tanim bel convert
kostim, kastim cost
autim cross out
planti man na meri crowd
krungutim crumple (something)
kapti cup of tea
kat, katim cut
katim i pundaun, pundaunim cut down
katim gras cut grass
ples nogut, i gat samting nogut dangerous place
pasim tingting decide
dentis, dokta bilong tit, dokta lukautim tit dentist
doti dirty
painimautim discover
sutim kaikai dish up, serve food
katim marit divorce
edukeitim educate
ating either/or
elektrik, elektrisiti, pawa electricity
ples nating, ples klia empty space
olgeta samting everything
taitim bun exert oneself
wetim expect
katim diwai i pundaun fell a tree
sua i sting festered (stinking) wound
fiftifaiv fifty-five
oraitim fix up
nating for no reason
lusim, lusim tingting forget
lusim, lusim tingting long forgive
rausim, autim get rid of, throw away
katim gras haircut
man i save katim gras bilong het hairdresser
kamautim (kaukau) harvest (sweet potato)
no laikim tru, hetim hate
hevim seks, wantaim meri, pilai wantaim meri, sutim meri, goapim meri, paulim meri have sexual intercourse with a woman
hotim heat
paitim hit
ating I think (so)
i bikpela samting important
nogutim, tok nogutim insult
katim tok interrupt
wokim, paitim bret knead bread
paitim dua knock at door
katim buk lance a boil
letis lettuce
liptimupim lift (vb)
stik kambang lime, lemon
lukautim look-alike
planti lot, a
planti many
maritim marry
kibung, kivung, miting meeting
planti much
samting tru natural
nainti, nainpela ten ninety
naintifaiv ninety-five
pepa bilong raitim leta notepaper
i nogat samting, nogat nothing
nating, not, siro nought
tingting opinion
nating ordinary
pati party
mitim ka, bungim ka pass (oncoming) car
lukstilman, man bilong luklukstil peeping Tom
ating, nating perhaps
plastik plastic
ples bilong wetim tren platform (railway)
Planti plenty
politisen politician
kapsaitim pour
ating probably
sutim bel, sutim nus provoke
putim put
ridim, ritim read
katim singsing long teprikoda record (vb) a song
tiktik reeds
holim long tingting or no lusim tingting remember
givim stori, ripotim report
i gat planti samting rich
paitim belo ring the bell
tin pipia rubbish tin
autim long wok sack, dismiss
so, katim long so saw so
mumutim scavenge
sumatin schoolchild
ating seems
stretim, lainim tebol set the table
sutim shoot
raitim nem long sign (vb)
wanpela samting something
autim speak out, divulge
stilim steal
Stimsip Steamships
stilwul steel wool
stia, stiaim steer
stirim ka steer car
stia steering wheel
studen, sumatin student
samting substance
stik suga sugarcane
sapotim support
kotim take to court
lipti tea leaves
tisa teacher
kap bilong ti tea-cup
tipot teapot
tit teeth
stil theft
stilman thief
bun nating thin
samting thing
ting, tingting think
tingting thoughts
tiket ticket
tiket ofis ticket-office
taitim tighten
tin tin
op tin tin opener
tinpis tinned fish
tinmit tinned meat
kapsaitim tip
truck, dump-truck - tipa tip-truck, dump-truck
tos; tostim (bret) toast
brus, tabak, stik tabak, tobako tobacco
tit tooth
tit i pen toothache
bros bilong tit toothbrush
sop bilong tit toothpaste
bautim turn (boat)
tanim stia turn steering wheel
twenti twenty
stap nating unemployed
yunivesiti, univesiti university
i kastim planti mani valuable
voluntia volunteer
wetim wait for
wet nating wait in vain
westim waste
tiktik wild sugarcane
tingim . . . wonder
kastim worth
raitim write
siro, nating, not zero
stiatok principle
savetingting wisdom
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