The Chinese term "" matches the English term "loch"

other chinese words that include "hú" : english :
fùhuójié Easter
Yîngguóhuà, Yîngwén, Yîngy English
Yîngguóhuà, Yîngwén, Yîngy English language
Huòbâtè Hobart
xi oshuô Roman
Huáshâ Warsaw
Huánghé Yellow River
Huáng H i Yellow Sea
bângmáng, bângzhù abet
bângmáng, bângzhù accomodate
shuômíng account for
bângmáng, bângzhù aid
dàishù algebra
huózhe alive
jiùhùchê ambulance
huáig ankle
huídá answer
x huan appreciate
d ib, zhuâ arrest
mevishù art
yânhuîgâng ashtray
bângmáng, bângzhù assist
zhúzi bamboo
húzi beard
chuáng bed
shuìfáng, wòshì bedroom
huózhe be alive
hòuhu be sorry about
huâ, huâr bloom
chuî blow
chuán boat
shû book
shûdiàn bookshop
shûdiàn bookstore
zhuân, zhuântou brick
jiànzhù building
shâo, zháohu burn
huángyóu, niúyóu butter
húdié butterfly
hóngluóbo, húluóbo carrot
chû’nàyuán cashier
zháohu catch
càihuâ, huâcài cauliflower
shu ní cement
huàidàn cheat
huàxué chemistry
shuômíng clarify
qi n, qi nsè, qîngchu clear
shûzi comb
yînyuèhuì concert
huìhuà conversation
zuòfàn, chúshî, chúzi cook
fânhónghuâ crocus
huàidàn crook
huángguâ cucumber
wénhuà culture
chuânglián curtain
shu xiânhuâ daffodil
dàlìhuâ dahlia
biànhù defend
shûzhuô desk
zhuànshí diamond
qîngchu distinct
huî, huîchén dust
evrhuán earring
huángdì emperor
shuômíng explain
shu lóngtóu faucet
jiùhùchê field hospital
hu zâi fire
zháohu flash on
huâ, huâr flower
shùlín forest
ráoshù, yuánliàng forgive
húli fox
shu gu fruit
huâyuán garden
huâjiàng, yuándîng gardener
q chuáng, q lai get up
jînhuángsè, jînsè gold-coloured
huángjîn gold
jînhuángsè, jînsè golden
shàngchuáng go to bed
huîsè grey
hu tu ham
chuízi hammer
bângmáng, bângzhù help
zhû hog
mòshu ink
yè, shùyè leaf
túshûgu ngu nlu yuán, túshûgu nyuán librarian
túshûgu n library
zevnmoyàng, x huan like
huózhe live
liánhuâ lotus
chúshî, chúzi male cook
qìzhuân gôngrén mason
hu chái match
shùxué mathematics
húzi moustache
shu xiânhuâ narcissus
bùshûfu not well
xi oshuô novel
hùshì nurse
júhuángsè, júhóngsè orange-coloured
júzishu, júzizhî orange juice
lánhuâ orchid
huàjiâ, yìshùjiâ painter
ráoshù, yuánliàng pardon
yìhuì parliament
zhênzhû pearl
hújiâo pepper
xiângshu perfume
zhû pig
sôngshù pine-tree
sôngshù pine
qîngchu plain
zhûròu pork
chuánjiàoshì priest
yìnshuâ print
chûb njiâ, chûb nrén publisher
shuìyî pyjamas
hòuhu regret
huídá reply
huídá respond
huàidàn rogue
h iyuán, shu sh u sailor
shòuhuòyuán salesman
mìshû secretary
guâ húzi shave
yè, shùyè, chuángdân sheet
chuán ship
shèhuìzh yì socialism
shuôhuà speak
chûnjì, chûntiân spring
chûnjì, chûntiân springtime
hu chêzhàn station
zháohu strike
zhû swine
zhuôzi table
zháohu take fire
shuôhuà talk
shu lóngtóu tap
chûzûqìchê, jìchéngchê taxi
cháhú tea-pot
d diànhuà, diànhuà telephone
shénmo, n, nevi, shéi, shuí that
yáshuâ tooth-brush
chuánt ng tradition
chuánt ngde traditional
hu chê train
shù tree
yùjînhuâ tulip
bóbo, bófù, shûshu uncle
bùshûfu upset
qîngcài, shûcài vegetable
chuán vessel
nu n, nu nhuo warm
shu water
n, nevi, shéi, shuí which
n, nevi, shéi, shuí who
chuânghu window
shùlín woods
shûzhuô writing desk
huángsè yellow
Chinese Writing is Complicated and Ancient
Writing in Chinese is very difficult to master because there is no such thing as an alphabet in the language. Instead, it employs a system of 20,000 characters. To make learning them easier, they can be translated into Roman characters using pinyin. The writing system itself is also one of the oldest in the world. Chinese characters were found on animal bones in 1600 BC. The Latin alphabet wasn’t invented until 1000BC.
Watch Your Tone
Chinese is a tonal language so the tone used while speaking makes the words mean different things. Mixing up the rising or falling pitch of words will make something like “I want to ask you” into “I want to kiss you.” So it’s important to get those inflections down in order to avoid making an embarrassing mistake.
Grammar Tenses
Chinese does not have any grammatical tenses in it. But it does have other complexities that aren’t present in other European languages, such as a system of suffixes and the relevancy of occurrences.