The Chinese term "" matches the English term "river"

other chinese words that include "hé" : english :
Hêih i Black Sea
shèngdànjié Christmas
Hêih i Euxine Sea
Hè’evrxìngjî Helsinki
Hélán Holland
xiânsheng Mister
xiânsheng Mr.
Liánhéguó United Nations
Huánghé Yellow River
shèngdànjié Yule
zhênji acupuncture
zhèngf administration
shêngch n afford
huózhe alive
jiùhùchê ambulance
bóm, shevnm aunt
gônggòngqìchê autobus
shêng, shêngch n, shôu k, xióng bear
fâshêng become
huózhe be alive
shêngqì be angry
shèngjîng bible
zìxíngchê bicycle
zìxíngchê bike
shêngrì birthday
hêisè black
shên, shênsè bleak
shênt body
hèsè, zôngsè brown
gônggòngqìchê bus
chêzi, qìchê car
chéngshì city
zhevnliáosu clinic
fâshêng come about
zìxíngchê cycle
shên, shênsè dark
shên, shênsè, bêiâi dismal
bóshì, dàifu, yîshêng doctor
shên, shênsè dreary
zuì, zuìle, hêzuìle drunk
huî, huîchén dust
dìzhèn earthquake
jiùhùchê field hospital
chêfáng, qìchêjiân garage
xiânsheng gentleman
j hé geometry
fâshêng, shôu get
shêng give birth to
zhèngf government
fâshêng, zh ng grow
fâshêng happen
hèn hate
shênt h o healthy
xiânsheng, zhàngfu husband
wèishêng hygiene
wèishêng hygienic
d zhên injection
zuì, zuìle, hêzuìle intoxicated
jìzhev journalist
shêngcài lettuce
b ihé lily
gôngshêng liter
gôngshêng litre
huózhe live
xiânsheng lord
k chê lorry
héshàng, xiûdàoshì, xiûshì monk
mótuô chê motorcycle
zhên needle
shénjîng nerve
fâshêng occur
gônggòngqìchê omnibus
chéngzi, júzi orange
hépíng peace
zhênzhû pearl
zhéxué philosophy
shèy ng, shèy ngshî photographer
dàifu, yîshêng physician
zhevntou pillow
zhèngzhì policy
zhèngkè, zhèngzhìjiâ politician
zhèngzhì politics
yóuzhèngjú post office
shêngch n produce
shevng province
gònghéguó republic
shâlâ, shêngcài salad
shé serpent
chènshân, chènyî shirt
hevn xi ngniàn sigh
xiânsheng sir
shé snake
shèhuìzh yì socialism
shêngyîn sound
hu chêzhàn station
chêzhàn, tíng stop
diànchê streetcar
wàikêyîshêng surgeon
chûzûqìchê, jìchéngchê taxi
shénmo, n, nevi, shéi, shuí that
Hélán the Netherlands
zhè, zhèi this
c ozh, wèishêngzh toilet-paper
shétou, y yán tongue
chéngshì town
hu chê train
diànchê tram
k chê truck
chêzi, qìchê vehicle
shêngyîn voice
zhànzhêng war
chêng weigh
shênt h o well
shénmo what
wèi shénme what for
n, nevi, shéi, shuí which
n, nevi, shéi, shuí who
wèi shénme why
wèi shénmo? why?
Chinese Writing is Complicated and Ancient
Writing in Chinese is very difficult to master because there is no such thing as an alphabet in the language. Instead, it employs a system of 20,000 characters. To make learning them easier, they can be translated into Roman characters using pinyin. The writing system itself is also one of the oldest in the world. Chinese characters were found on animal bones in 1600 BC. The Latin alphabet wasn’t invented until 1000BC.
Watch Your Tone
Chinese is a tonal language so the tone used while speaking makes the words mean different things. Mixing up the rising or falling pitch of words will make something like “I want to ask you” into “I want to kiss you.” So it’s important to get those inflections down in order to avoid making an embarrassing mistake.
Grammar Tenses
Chinese does not have any grammatical tenses in it. But it does have other complexities that aren’t present in other European languages, such as a system of suffixes and the relevancy of occurrences.